Principal: David Strothers
Assistant Principal: Sabrina Cunningham
Assistant Principal: Kim Hess
Mayfield Woods Middle School has compiled a list of resources for easy community access. Any non-HCPSS resources have not been vetted and are not affiliated with Howard County Public School System, therefore they may not represent the views or values of Mayfield Woods or HCPSS. Please use discretion when selecting a resource that is appropriate for you or your family. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the resource directly. Thank you!
La Escuela Intermedia Mayfield Woods ha compilado una lista de recursos a continuación para facilitar el acceso a la comunidad. Los recursos que no pertenecen al HCPSS no han sido examinados y no están afiliados al Sistema de Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Howard, por lo tanto, es posible que no representen los puntos de vista o los valores de Mayfield Woods o HCPSS. Use su discreción al seleccionar un recurso que sea apropiado para usted o su familia. Cualquier pregunta o inquietud debe dirigirse directamente al recurso. ¡Gracias!
6th Grade Brice Dawson
7th grade Jenn Mech
8th grade Katie Rusu
Alternative Ed: Beth Aguilera
Drema Bonavitacola
Secretary: Erin Clark
Data clerk: Loretta Hutzell
Social Worker: Khatia Rasheed
PPW: Liz Ryan
BSAP: Duane Tyler
Psychologist: Dan Carr
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I register my child for school?
Go to and register on line.
Once this is completed Ms. Clark will be in contact with your family to complete the registration.
When does school start?
Students start school for the 2023-2024 school year on August 28, 2023
8:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
How do I withdraw my child?
Please contact Ms. Clark, our Student Services Secretary to assist you.
Who do I contact if I have questions about my child’s schedule?
Families should contact their child's school counselor with questions about schedule changes.
How can I get access to Canvas?
Please use the link below to sign up for Family Connection and to get answers on how to connect to Canvas and Synergy.
What supplies will my child need for learning?
Please find the school supply list for our students here. The number of supplies on the list have been reduced to keep costs down for families.
Parents/Guardians: Please help your child by replenishing supplies during the year as needed. Please contact our Student Services Ofc Mrs. Erin Clark for assistance with supplies and backpacks.
What calculator will my child need for math?
The graphing calculator is an important technology tool used in Howard County mathematics courses beginning with Algebra 1 and extending through the end of the course sequence. Although digital graphing tools are available online and will be used at various times in middle and high school math courses, students are best served by having a personal graphing calculator such as the TI-84 Plus CE (rechargeable) graphing calculator. Students who go on to take mathematics courses in college will likely be able to use the same calculator for college coursework. Note that students are permitted to use a graphing calculator on the SAT, ACT and Advanced Placement mathematics exams. Arrangements can also be made to borrow a graphing calculator from school through your child’s mathematics teacher.
I need translation or an interpreter?
If your home language is Spanish and need assistance, please reach out to our Hispanic Liaison, Melissa Barney Montoya at If you need assistance in other languages please use the link below.
How do I get support from my child’s school counselor?
You can email your child’s school counselor and they will get back to you within 24-48 hours. The counselors work hours during the summer will be different.
What if my child needs immediate help depression, suicidal thoughts, or other serious mental health issues, please contact: