On November 1, a Federal Impact Aid Survey was sent home with your child (if he/she was enrolled prior to September 25). These forms are due back to school on November 28.
Public Law 81-874 is federal legislation that provides financial assistance from the federal government to local school systems based on the number of students whose parents/guardians work on federally owned property in the State of Maryland. These funds are provided by Congress to compensate the public for the land areas removed from the tax rolls for government use, increased student attendance in the public schools because of the government installations, or a combination of the two. The parent/guardian can be employed by the federal government working in the State of Maryland or be a contractor working on a project on federally owned property located in the State of Maryland. Also counted are students whose parents are serving as active military anywhere in the world.
Because the forms will be scanned, they cannot be folded, stapled, or otherwise marked or torn.
Please be sure to complete and return this form to the front office by November 28.
Thank you for your continued support.