MWMS Cell Phone & Electronic Devices Policy, 2019-2020

Sat, 08/12/2017 - 11:34pm

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

Although cell phones can be a tool in the classroom, sometimes they cause a distraction to learning for the owner of the phone and to those around him/her. Therefore, in order to maintain an engaging, productive learning environment,  the following expectations are in place for this school year:

  • Phones and personal communication devices must be away and either off or silent while in classrooms. Phones should not be set to vibrate.
  • Students may use personal technology devices in classrooms only when approved by the teacher or administrators, as will be indicated visually on a “stoplight” in each classroom.
  • Students may use their cell phones and electronic devices during lunch and recess, but they are not permitted in hallways at any time.
  • Students may listen to music using one earbud during lunch and recess (but not in the hallways); only one earbud/headphone (not two) is permitted during lunch/recess for safety reasons.
  • Students are not allowed at any time to videotape, audiotape or take photographs during the school day, including during the bus ride to and from school. 
  • Students who fail to adhere to this policy may have their property confiscated.  Such property will not be returned to students, and will only be returned to a parent or guardian during regular office hours.
  • Mayfield Woods is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken property. 

We will review this procedures with students, but you can help us by reviewing these expectations with your child at home. 

Thank you for your ongoing support!