MWMS Newsletter, March 29, 2018


MWMS Newsletter                               

March 29, 2018


From the Principal’s Desk

Thank you to all of the families who had dinner at Chipotle last Monday. You helped us raise $709.40 for our PTA. And…as a follow up to the last newsletter, our school community also raised $1011.19 for Grassroots through our Change Matters Winter Concert fundraiser and Penny War campaign. Thank you for being so generous!


Thank you, also, to all of the families who donated to our annual Hoops for Heart fundraiser. Together we raised over $9,000! Thank you for supporting this great cause! 


Will your child be in 7th grade next year?  As a reminder, effective the first day of school 2018-2019, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine are required by the state of Maryland for all students entering Grade 7.  If we DO NOT receive proof of immunization, your child will be excluded from school.  We are going to have an immunization clinic here at Mayfield in May; I will share ore details once they are confirmed.  In the meantime, click here for more information.


Police Patrols at HCPSS Schools.  In response to recent events, Howard County police officers are being asked to conduct at least one foot patrol a day at a school (K-12 private and public schools) in their beat.  Not every school will receive a visit every day, but schools will be visited regularly.  Officer Lapp, our SRO (School Resource Officer) is also at Mayfield on “A” Days. 


Today is the deadline to order the MWMS 2017-2018 Memory Book!  Memory Books are $22.00 and must be pre-ordered by today, March 29, for distribution at the end of the year. Click here for more information and to order online.


As we end this week a day early, I want to take the time to wish you a wonderful spring break.  I realize this one is shorter than usual, but we are still honoring our annual homework-free spring break so that you can make the most of your time together as a family. I hope your kids (and you) enjoy the homework-free time away from school!  




Melissa Shindel Principal


School News

Attention 6th grade families! 


Do you know that your child must have certain immunizations before the first day of school, of the 2018-19 school year?  Click here for more information. 


A Message from the Cafeteria


Please be aware that the cafeteria is not able to break large bills and provide change for field trips, dances, or other events.  However, large bills are accepted for lunch accounts. 


Please check your child’s lunch account and make sure there is an adequate balance to cover lunch purchases.  Account balances can be viewed at:


Stay Connected

Main Office: 410-313-5022

Fax:  410-313-5029                                                                                                           

Guidance:  410-313-5025

Health Room:  410-313-5022

Twitter: @hcpss_mwms

Principal's Instagram: principal_shindel

PTA email:

PTA's Facebook Page:  Search “MWMS PTA”

PTA’s Website:


Save the Dates 


03/30-04/03   Schools and Offices Closed

04/04              Inclement Weather Makeup Day – B Day

04/05              Inclement Weather Makeup Day – A Day

04/06              Inclement Weather Makeup Day – B Day

04/09-13        Collections for 7th Grade Field Trip – Medieval Times

04/10              Spring Play Rehearsal

04/11              PTA Meeting

04/11             Choral Assessment, RHHS

04/11              Citizens of the Month Announcement

04/12             Choral Assessment, RHHS

04/12             Spring Play Rehearsal

04/13              Purple Comet Math Competition – 8th Grade

04/13             End of Marking Period

04/13             Schools Close 3 Hours Early

04/13             Dress Rehearsal – Spring Play

04/16-20        Collections for the 8th Grade Field Trip

04/17             Spring Play Rehearsal

04/17              Spring Pictured

04/18             SMOB Elections

04/18-20        Play Tickets on Sale During Lunches

04/18             Chamber Choir Field Trip to NYC

04/19 & 20     Spring Play, 7:00 PM – “The Seuss Odyssey”

04/19              Krispy Kreme Donut Sale Pick-up

04/20              Incentive Day #3

04/23              Report Cards Issued

04/25             Career Day for 7th Grade:  12:00 PM – 2:45 PM

04/26             Environmental Film Festival

04/27             Music in the Park Field Trip – Hershey Park




PTA News

The next meeting is:  4/11/18 at 7:00 PM, Media Center




The website includes:

•  On-going access to up-to-date MWMS and MWMS PTA news

•  Links for joining the PTA and volunteering in and out of school

•  Calendars of MWMS, MWMS PTA and MWMS Music events

•  Spirit Gear purchase info

•  MWMS Music Boosters Page

•  MWMS Teacher/Staff Gift Guide

•  And more …


We hope the new site will be a great resource for MWMS Families. Please take time to explore the site and bookmark us on your computers and smart devices today!


Our address is:


Community News

A new pre-submission community meeting for the SUPRUN PROPERTY – infill development, is scheduled for April 24, 2018, 6:00 PM at The Meeting Place, 5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia, MD.  The meeting is to provide information about the subdivision and to answer questions. 

Please note a change of date:  Old date:  3/20 NEW DATE:  4/24


A new community news and programs webpage is now available!!  This page contains brief announcements of upcoming events and announcements from community organizations.  Please visit the HCPSS website for details about upcoming events or visit:





Mayfield Woods Middle School

School | 7950 Red Barn Way Elkridge, MD 21075 |

410-313-5022 |