FOOD DRIVE: Share What You Can #onemayfield sponsors: Bulldog Bags

Students at MWMS will participate in a school-wide #onemayfield day. Activities will focus on benevolence, empathy, and giving to others. Our students will create Bulldog Bags full of food & toiletries to be given to those without housing during the winter months. Students are being asked to donate specific items for the drive:  Bumble Bee "Snack on the Run"'; Applesauce cups; Fruit Bowls/cups; Granola Bars; Cookies; Crackers; 8 oz water bottles; Gallon size baggies. If you would like to donate funds instead of specific Items, please complete go to the link below & we will do the shopping for you!  This food drive is running from November 7-30.  MWMS thanks you for your support!

MWMS Online School Payments (OSP)

Donations Request (specific Items)

Food Drive .png