Looking for 3 Student Leaders to be Student Delegates at the Student Member Convention!

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Attention Students!

Are you passionate about student leadership? Are you someone who wants to voice your opinions and make a difference? Do you want to be a part of making history? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are the right person to step up for the Student Delegate leadership opportunity.

Background:  Each year, one HCPSS student is elected, by the HCPSS student body, to represent the student voice as a member on the Board of Education. This year, HCPSS is thrilled to offer our second annual "Student Member Convention", where Student Delegates from each middle and high school will select the two candidates who will run for the Student Member of the Board of Education (SMOB).    The Student Member Convention will be held on _______ at Wilde Lake HIgh School.

Who?  We are seeking students who are interested in serving as a Student Delegate to the Student Member Convention.  As a delegate, students will serve as leaders by working with other delegates to select the two SMOB candidates,  and promote the SMOB position at our school. This is a tremendous opportunity for students to lead and serve both your peers and community -  in a challenging and rewarding capacity.

How? To apply to be Student Delegate to represent Mayfield Woods Middle School, pick up an application from the front office and submit it to  Mrs. Shindel by December 1, 2018.  An electronic copy is included below. In addition to the application, all interested students must ask two teachers to complete an evaluation form as part of the application package; these are also due to Mrs. Shindel by December 1, 2018.   

Electronic Documents:

  • Student Delegate Application - coming soon
  • Student_Delegate_Teacher_Recommendation Form - coming soon