Dear parents of current 6th grade and 7th grade students,
On March 6 your child was given a list of his/her course recommendations, for the 2018-2019 school year, made by your child's current subject area teachers. Course placement recommendations are based on your child's current performance using instructional levels, course grades, state and local testing results, gifted and talented testing protocols, and demonstrated academic behaviors.
If you would like to request a course placement that is different from the school's recommendations, you have the option to complete the Course Placement Review form, which will place your child in the requested classes for the upcoming school year. This form is available at
Before completing the Course Placement Review, it is strongly encouraged that you:
- Have a conversation (in person, by phone, or by e-mail) with your child's current teacher and/or Ms. Singleton, our G/T Resource Teacher, about the course recommendation so there is an understanding of the rationale behind the committee’s recommendation.
- Review further information on courses and curriculum expectations. This can be found in the middle school catalog ( Additional information regarding G/T course expectations is included on the reverse of the Course Placement Review form.
- Speak to your child so that you both understand that one placed into a more accelerated class it may not be possible to transfer out of the course due to scheduling limitations.
- Speak to your child so he/she is aware that the level of rigor of GT courses is challenging, and that the pace of these courses is faster than those of on-grade level courses. In some instances there may be gaps if a child has not had prior instruction in GT level courses (particularly in math courses and 8th grade GT social studies). If you have questions, we encourage you to contact Ms. Singleton, our GT resource teacher.