MWMS Heritage Night 2024

Dear Mayfield CommUNITY, 

The PTA would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you all for making our inaugural Heritage night a success on Friday, April 12! We had 7 display tables, sharing history, decorations, and clothing from Peru, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, Italy, Israel, and the Philippines. Families also brought homemade delicious foods to share; pupusas, pao bhaji, tapioca pudding, pancit to name a few!

We would also like to thank the groups who dazzled us with their performances and even taught us some moves. 

Our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents and community members who participated in any way. This event would not have been possible without you all. We would like to extend an extra special thanks to Ms. Stuti Shah, who spent the entire time drawing beautiful henna designs. 

Looking forward to making this an annual event and continuing to share our diverse cultures with each other.


Thank you from Keri, Melanie, and the planning committee!

