Course Registration Information for Rising 7th Graders

Hello Parents/families and students,
We are in our Course Registration Season for Rising 7th Grade Students. Here are the resources that we shared during our Rising 7th/8th Grade Course Registration Parent Session.

Below is a list of important dates for you:
Important Dates:
February 1, 2023 In flex time (SEL) the Rising 7th & 8th Grade Course Registration presentation will be delivered to all current 6th & 7th graders.
Feb. 2, 2023: Course registration opens. Students in rising 7th -8th grades will enter their course requests, including alternates, in HCPSS Connect. All students should have 2 course requests and 2 alternates.  Remember, you must have a fine arts course request as this a COMAR requirement
Feb.17, 2023: Course registration closes. Requests received after this date will be accommodated if space is available.
Feb. 17 – March 3, 2023:  Current 6th-7th graders will meet with their school counselors to review student course requests through scheduled counselor/student appointments.