Reminders: Outside Food, Cell Phone, and Family File Expectations
Outside Food Expectations
Food delivery services (i.e. DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc.) are not allowed. Delivery will be refused as we do not have the capability to process this during the school day. If a parent would like to bring their child’s lunch to the school, we ask that you do so prior to the start of your child’s lunch shift. Parents will need to leave lunch with our Front Office staff.
Cell Phone Expectations
Students are not permitted to use their personal technology devices (phones) during school time, including lunch and hallway transitions. This is in accordance with the Board of Education Policy 8080. If a student is seen with their device they will be expected to put it away immediately. If chronic issues persist, disciplinary actions may be implemented in alignment with the HCPSS Code of Conduct.
To support this, please refrain from calling or texting your child during school hours. If you need to get a message to them or contact them, please call the Front Office at 410-313-5022.
Family File
It is mandatory that all parents/ guardians verify and/ or update emergency information for each child each school year. Updating this information provides us with the most current emergency contact information, and also ensures that you are receiving important information and updates for HCPSS and MWMS. Log in to HCPSS Connect, select the More Options tab on the left and then select Family File in the center column.