Health and Safety Updates

The health and safety of all students and staff is of the utmost concern. See below for HCPSS efforts regarding health and safety measures for students, staff, families, schools and offices. 

2022-2023 HCPSS Health & Safety

The latest updates from 2/24/22 can be found online via or by clicking here.

Masks in Buildings & on School Buses

Face masks in HCPSS buildings and/or on school buses are voluntary. Health experts continue to recommend consistent use of well-fitting face masks to reduce the risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. A limited supply of masks are available in HCPSS schools and offices.

Please note, anyone who visits a school health room and presents COVID-19 symptoms will be required to wear a face mask.

For additional mask guidance, see Student/Staff Tests Positive for COVID and Student/Staff Was In Close Proximity of Someone Who Tested Positive for COVID.

1/3/22 Health Check Reminders

Parents/guardians should keep their children home if they are experiencing symptom(s) associated with any communicable disease, including COVID-19. In addition, parents/guardians are to perform the following COVID-19 health check every day before the student leaves home.

Students and staff should NOT come to school with any of these symptoms:

  • fever of 100.4 degrees or higher
  • sore throat
  • cough
  • difficulty breathing
  • diarrhea or vomiting
  • new onset of severe headache (especially with fever), or
  • new loss of taste or smell

For persons with chronic conditions such as asthma, the symptoms should represent a change from baseline.

What to do if you test positive: Notify Tracy Jerome at, Gia Hunter at, Monica Stevens at via email or by calling MWMS health suite (410) 313-5022.   Covid 19 Family Reporting Responsibilities

Click here for updates on Returning to School Following Winter Break! Updated 12/31/21

Click here for Updated COVID Mitigation Efforts in HCPSS Schools from 1/4/22

Communication to Families
Families may find it useful to bookmark the following webpages where information will be continually updated and posted:

Student Vaccinations and Testing
While Howard County leads the state in the percentage of residents vaccinated, there continues to be considerable risk that the COVID-19 virus could spread in a school, requiring students and staff to be out of the building for an extended period of time. HCPSS will continue to support the Health Department’s work to make vaccines available to all eligible students. Additionally, our school-based health professionals will continue to provide diagnostic testing to students and staff who display COVID-19 symptoms during the school day.

Student Technology
In prekindergarten, HCPSS-issued laptops will remain at home during the first semester. Laptops will be brought to and remain at school for the second semester. In kindergarten and first grade, school laptops will primarily remain at school, while students in grades 2–12 will be expected to bring laptops back and forth to school each day.

Thank you.