For all of our new and returning students, please check out this Before the First Day of School Checklist to help make sure you are ready for your first day. We can’t wait to see you on Monday, August 30th! Our doors open for students at 7:50am.
Before the First Day of School Checklist
Check your schedule in HCPSS/Synergy and make note of your Homeroom teacher and room number. All students will receive a full paper copy of their schedule during Homeroom on Monday.
If you are a bus rider, use the Bus Locator Tool to determine your bus stop. Write down/take a screenshot of your bus number and keep it in an accessible location. Keep in mind that sometimes it takes a week or two for the arrival times to be completely accurate due to the variety of bus routes. For this reason, we recommend that students arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the published, scheduled pick-up time.
Turn on your HCPSS Chromebook and login. Be sure it is functioning properly. Make sure it is charged for Monday.
Check your hcpss.inst username and password by logging into Canvas. Retrieve your username and reset password here.
Bookmark or set it as your homepage. This will make accessing Canvas, G Suite and other online digital resources fast and easy.
Review the Canvas Orientation Materials for students.
Update your Canvas settings and notification preference to ensure that you are receiving important information from your teachers. For help, see this guide.
Adjust your bedtime to ensure that you are getting enough sleep. Moving your bedtime gradually over a few days is usually easier than making a big change at once. For more sleep hygiene tips, see this resource.
Pack your backpack the night before! Bring paper, something to write with, your charged Chromebook, headphones and extra masks. Teachers will discuss what supplies are needed for each class within the first weeks of school.
Additional notes from your Mayfield TEAM:
We will have staff outside ready to greet our students and direct them to their grade level entrances or to the cafeteria for breakfast. Breakfast and lunch is free for all of our students this year!
Students will be directed to their Homeroom, where they will receive a hard copy of their schedule.
Please have your child check their canvas page for an important message from Mrs. Mahle about lunch.
To assist us with having a smooth flow of traffic for drop off and pick up please see traffic pattern below:
Students requiring medication at school
Parents must provide written authorization for any medicine to be administered in school. This includes over the counter medication (allergy med, Tylenol/Ibuprofen, medicated cough drops), homeopathic and prescription medicine.
A new medication order is required each new school year dated on or after July 1st.
The medication should be delivered to school by parent/guardian or designated adult. Students should not transport medication to school.
Medication should be properly labeled with the pharmacy label and match the medication order.
Over the counter medicine should be in a new unopened container and labeled with student name.
Homeroom List
6th Grade
Homeroom Teacher Room # Student Name
McKENNEY Cafeteria Abadilla-Avery to Bhatia
DEERING 103 Bispo to Curetin
KUPERMAN 104 Daniels to Gonzalez Blanco
MacGREGOR 105 Gordon to Jaramillo Sanchez
REIDER 201 Jennifer to Maroju
KELLEY 202 Marquina Mendez to Orduna Diaz
FINNEGAN 203 Ortiz Mayorga to Richards
MacPHEE 204 Rickey to Silva Zaldivar
DEVORE 207 Singh to Zirvi
7th Grade
Homeroom Teacher Room # Student Name
CALIA 108 Abel to Bannister
COURTNEY 109 Barett to Contractor
MARTEL 110 Corbett to Garcia
KENNEDY Portable 2 Gaston to Jackson
NEAGLE 208 Jean to Mao
MILLER 209 Marrero to Nicolas
SAVOY 210 Ochoa-Rodriguez to Ruiz Montano
STARR 211 Rutan to St. Jean
RAYSOR 212 Stephens to Zelaya Posada
8th Grade
Homeroom Teacher Room # Student Name
SMITH, C. 114 Acheampong to Caporaletti
PLAUT 115 Carr to Felice
STONE 116 Freedman to Harris
IANNAZZI 118 Harrison to Kesler
COOK Portable 1 Khatib to McDaniel, Rylan
DRUMMOND 214 McDaniel, Rylie to Nguyen
QUIRUS 217 Noche to Pina Arroyo
NYCUM 218 Pitman to Sanchez Jimenez
GILL 219 Sanders to Thomas
SCHAEFLI 220 Tirodkar to Yoo