Parent-Teacher conferences will be held Monday, November 23rd through Wednesday, November 25th. The conference sign-up will open on Friday, November 13th (at 6:00 AM) and close on Thursday, November 19th (at 11:59 PM)
Parent/Teacher conferences are a great way to connect with teachers and discuss the success of your child. During this time of virtual learning partnering with parents is even more beneficial. We are really looking forward to conferencing/partnering with you during this time. See below for directions on how to register for conferences and how to view your conference schedule.
Register for a Conference
- Directions for signing up for conferences can be found here:
- Click on the link for a brief video showing how to schedule conferences
1. Log into HCPSS Connect with your own credentials (not the student!).
2. In the Navigation pane, select Conference and click the Parent Scheduled Conferences link in the top right corner to schedule conferences.
3. Select a time option for each class listed. The conference will be saved automatically. Once you select a time option, all other time options for that class will become unavailable.
4. To select a different time option, clear the first checkbox and select a new option.
5. If you have more than one child, select the next child in the top left corner.
NOTE: Keep in mind the conference times you selected for your first child when selecting conference times for any additional children.
View Conference Schedule
1. In the Navigation Panel, select More Options (Family File, Report Card, etc.).
2. Click the Conference Scheduling (View or Schedule ARL/DigEd) link.
3. Click the View My Conference Schedule link in the left panel. A page displays listing all of the conferences for your child.
Join a Meeting
To attend the Parent Teacher Conference, click on this Canvas link below and follow the instructions to Join a Meeting section. This section describes how to join a meeting using a Google Meet Nickname/Code or a Google Meet link.
Please note:
- You will need to log in with your student’s credentials when you are entering the Google Meet for the conference.
- Please be prompt, but NOT early! If you come to the Google Meet while the teacher is still in another conference, you will be denied entry. We ask that you wait patiently and do not retry to enter the Google Meet, as the teacher will see you are awaiting entry and continuous attempts may cause the system to lock you out.
- During the conference window times, we will have our Virtual Help Desk available for any parent who is experiencing technical difficulties and/or needs help or support accessing their conferences. Reminder: You must login using your child's account.
If you have any questions or concerns about conferences and/or scheduling, please contact Ms. Clark at