8:00 - 9:00 am and 10:45 - 12:45 pm FREE Breakfast and Lunch (grab and go meals) *When school is in session.
Front of building outside the cafeteria doors (near picnic tables)
Visit our HCPSS website for more information on school meals during 20-21 SY!
Mayfield Woods Middle School
7950 Red Barn Way
Elkridge, MD 21075
Wednesday, Oct 28th5:00 - 8:30 pm Food and Supplies
Columbia Community Cares
Howard High School, 8700 Old Annapolis Rd, Ellicott City, MD
Swansfield Elementary, 5610 Cedar Ln, Columbia, MD
Oakland Mills Middle, 9410 Kilimanjaro Rd, Columbia, MD
If delivery needed, fill out this form for FREE DELIVERY OF GROCERIES
Saturday, Oct 31st10:00 - 12:00 Food - Produce, Dairy, Meat
Long Reach High School
6101 Old Dobbin Road
Columbia, MD 21045
Ducketts Lane Elementary
6501 Ducketts Lane
Elkridge, MD 21075
No income or documentation restrictions, 1 box per family, wear face mask to pick up
10:30 - 1:30 Food and Supplies
Columbia Community Cares
Howard High School, 8700 Old Annapolis Rd, Ellicott City, MD
Swansfield Elementary, 5610 Cedar Ln, Columbia, MD
Oakland Mills Middle, 9410 Kilimanjaro Rd, Columbia, MD
If delivery needed, fill out this form for FREE DELIVERY OF GROCERIES
*St. Stephens A.M.E. Church childcare partner, Magic Minds is doing Grab and Go lunches for the community through the Maryland Food Bank. Anyone can pick up a bag of breakfast/lunch and snack during the hours of 10:30- 12:30 Monday- Friday. (7/21/20)
Summer Meals Extended to Aug. 28: The free Grab-N-Go summer meals program has been extended through Friday, August 28. There were several location changes effective Monday, August 3. Click on the link above for more information on site changes.
Community Support: The Bright Minds Foundation Access to Learning Fund is providing greater support for our students during the extended COVID-19 school closure. Funds already raised have provided HCPSS with additional resources including assistive technologies, connectivity resources and other school supplies to support remote learning.
Pop-up Food Pantry
“Take all you need. Donate anything you don’t need”
From Sunday April 19th to Sunday May 3rd 2020, every day from 6pm-8pm
Long Reach Village Center
8775 Cloudleap Cr, Columbia, MD 21045
Click here for flier with more information!
The Open Doors Food Pantry
Open to everyone no matter their race,
religion, or sexual preference.
Mount Zion United Methodist Church
12430 Scaggsville Road (RT 216)
Highland, MD 20777
301-854-2324 www.mtzionhighland.com opendoorsfoodpantry@gmail.com
The Open Doors Food Pantry will operate
the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Click here for flier with more information!
SNAP Benefits: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program:
SNAP Benefits-Emergency Allotments Flyer-English
Apply for SNAP Benefits today-Flyer-English
Apply for SNAP Benefits Today-Flyer-Spanish
Grocery/Medication Delivery for seniors or anyone who can't get out: