MWMS Student Delegate and HCASC opportunities 2019

MWMS Delegate Selection Process is underway! We are looking for 3 students (one from each grade level) to represent Mayfield Woods Middle as delegates to the Student Member Convention on February 18, 2020. Applications for those interested in becoming one of our MWMS delegates are available in the front office and in the cafeteria. All completed applications are due to Ms. Stevens by the end of the school day on Friday, November 22nd.

HCASC meetings are a great way for students to gain the skills they need to work alongside parents, teachers, and administrators to shape their school communities. HCASC serves as a next step for those students selected to serve alongside administration to select our delegates, the delegates themselves, and those who do not get picked to serve as delegates this year and want to find others ways to lead and engage.


HCASC welcomes All Middle and High School Students to attend HCASC Meetings the second Wednesday evening of each month at the Homewood School 10914 Clarksville Pike Ellicott City, MD 21042

 Middle and High School students who attend will-

-Work with student leaders from across HCPSS
-Meet with the Student Member of the Board of Education

-Gain Leadership Skills

-Turn ideas into actions

-Learn about Leadership and Community Service opportunities
-Practice civic engagement and serve as an informed citizens

Next Meeting Wednesday 11/13 7-8:30pm at the Homewood School 

For more information please contact