Ability Day - April 5, 2019

On Friday April 5th, students will participate in the first ever Ability Day at Mayfield Woods. Ability Day is a day designed to spread awareness of disabilities,  as well as awareness of student abilities. All students will participate in various activities - including participating in simulations and watching videos -  to show what it is like to navigate the world with a disability; specifically Autism, Hearing Loss, Blindness, and ADHD. Students will end the day by taking a "learning inventory" that will highlight what type of learner they are and what that means for them in the classroom.

As a Mayfield community, we know that we all experience hardships in some capacity; whether it be a weakness, a struggle, or a disability. Students will NOT be asked to reveal if whether or not they have a disability, and most simulations ask for volunteers, so simulations are not mandatory. We are hopeful that by the end of the day, students develop empathy and realize that while we are all different, our differences make us unique and special.
