Update to Health and Lifetime Fitness Course Registration

Updated February 6th, 2019

Eligible Students

There has been a change as to which students will be eligible to take Health and/or Lifetime Fitness during the Innovative Pathways High School Summer Program (formerly Comprehensive Summer School).


Students are not officially in high school until their first day of 9th grade in September. Therefore, rising 9th grade students are not eligible to take Health/Lifetime Fitness prior to 9th grade.


Health and Lifetime Fitness course registration will remain available for all current high school students.


Summer Registration

Health and Lifetime Fitness registration for the Innovative Pathways High School Summer Program will be available March 1, 2019 for current high school students. Students will be permitted to register between March 1 and March 15 for these courses. After March 15, student enrollments will be prioritized by grade, starting with grade 12 and moving down to current grade 9.  If additional spaces remain there will be a random computer selection for students during all following registration windows. This will no longer be a first-come, first-served registration.


Registration for Fall 2019

Health and Lifetime Fitness are pre-selected as recommended courses for all rising 9th graders. Students are expected to complete Health and Lifetime Fitness in grade 9. Rising 9th grade students are no longer permitted to take Health and Lifetime Fitness over the summer and have it count towards high school graduation requirements.


If a student would like to participate in another elective, in place of Health and Lifetime Fitness, a Course Placement Review form and an updated four-year plan must be completed with the middle school counselor. Health and Lifetime Fitness are recommended for completion by the end of grade 10 and should be reflected as such within the four-year plan. Options may include taking the course during grade 10 or through the Innovative Pathways Evening Program.


Previous Rising 9th Grade Summer School Students

For any student that previously participated in, and passed, Health and Lifetime Fitness through the HCPSS summer program as a rising 9th grade student, neither their transcript or credits earned towards graduation will be affected in any way by the change in status for eligible students.