Does your Child Need to Take Medication at School?

All medications should be given to students at home whenever possible. If it is necessary for a student to receive medication while in school, the following procedure must be followed for both prescription medications, all over the-counter medications such as Advil, Tylenol, cold and allergy preparations, homeopathic/herbal medications, and medicated lotions or creams:


  • A complete written physician order must be obtained by the parent/ guardian. Forms are available in the school health room and from the HCPSS health services webpage.


  • The parent/guardian must give written permission to administer the medication to the student.


  • Over-the-counter (OTC) medication must be in a new, unopened container labeled with the student’s name. The prescription medication should be in the pharmacy container and labeled for the student. Ask the pharmacy for a second labeled bottle for school. The OTC and prescription medication orders must have the name of the student, name of the medication, date of the order, complete directions for administration in school, physician’s name, and the expiration date of the medication.


  • The medication must be delivered to the school by the parent/guardian, not by the student.


  • A new physician’s order form must be submitted each time there is a change of dosage or time of administration and for every new school year after July 1.


  • The first dose of any medication must be administered at home to observe for any adverse reaction to the medication.


  • Each HCPSS school is equipped with two emergency medications in accordance with Maryland regulations. Epinephrine is stored for an emergent anaphylactic reactions for an unknown allergic reaction. Naloxone is stored for emergent response to an opioid overdose in the school building.



Click here for more information about:

  • Approved Non-Medications
  • Getting a medication to school
  • Medications During Field Trips
  • Carrying a medication