8th Grade Promotion: June 7, 2018, 9:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

Check back often!  We will continue to update this page with new information.

Attention 8th Grade Students and Parents:  Save the Date! 

We are pleased to host our first annual 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony on Thursday morning, June 7, from 9:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. at Long Reach HIgh School.  We are excited about starting a new tradition! 



2 Ticket Limit per Student

2 tickets to the Promotion will be sent home with your child on Tuesday, June 5.  These are required for admission.  Please be sure to check your child’s backpack for these documents. Tickets are numbered and each student will receive 2 tickets.  The auditorium at Long Reach seats 693 people and we need to accommodate 711 people.   Staff members will be asked to stand.  We wish we had more tickets to offer families, but we literally have no extra tickets.  Once your tickets are received, be sure to keep them in a safe place.  Due to the strict ticket limit described above, please do not forget or lose your admission tickets; you must present them in order to be admitted to the auditorium at Long Reach.  If you do not have your ticket the morning of the Promotion, you will be admitted 15 minutes after the start of the ceremony, pending available seating.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.  




The due dates for the information below have passed, but we are leaving it here for your reference.

Permission Slip

Each student will need a signed permission slip from a parent along with the fee of $6.00 to cover the cost of the school bus.  All 8th grade students will ride the bus to and from Mayfield Woods Middle School.  Families wishing to sign their child out for an early dismissal will be required to return to Mayfield Woods after the ceremony and sign out their student in the front office.  Students will not be dismissed from LRHS.


Click here for guidelines as well as information for the ceremony.  The permission slip was sent home on May 17th with interims and is due back to school on May 25th to your child's homeroom teacher.


We are so excited to coordinate the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony here at Mayfield Woods and look forward to seeing many of you in attendance.


Student Speakers Needed!

To make It very special, we will be allowing 2 students to speak and give a farewell to your classmates. There will be 2 different themes: Middle School Memories and Advice for the Future.  If you are interested in speaking at the ceremony, you must write an essay about one of the themes (you may do both essays, but you would only be chosen to present one). Your speech should take about 2-4 minutes total to read, so before submitting it, read it out loud and time yourself. All submissions should be turned in to your ELA teacher no later than Monday, May 14.


Photos Needed! 

We would like to have a slide show featuring each of our eighth graders.  We are looking for two pictures per student, one photo when your child was a baby/toddler and one photo that is more recent.  Please send the pictures to Ms. Hutzell electronically at loretta_hutzell@hcpss.org no later than May 18. Thank you!