MWMS Newsletter
March 16, 2018
From the Principal’s Desk
Thank you to all of the families who donated to our “Pi Day Buy a Day” Penny Wars Campaign! Once we know how much money we raised, I will update you with a total. Thanks again for your support of Grassroots!
Don’t feel like making dinner on Monday? You’re in luck - Monday is Chipotle night! Click here for more information!
Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) Reports came home with your child yesterday. Please be sure to ask your child to see this if you have not already.
Attention Parents of Current 6th Grade and 7th Grade Students: On March 6, your child was given a list of his/her course recommendations for the 2018-2019 school year, made by your child's current subject area teachers. If you would like to request a course placement that is different from the school's recommendations, you have the option to complete the Course Placement Review form, due on March 23. Click here for more information and a link to forms you need.
Attention 6th Grade Parents: Starting Monday, March 19, we are testing a new dismissal procedure to alleviate the overcrowding at the lockers. When the bell rings, bus riders will follow their normal dismissal procedure, but 6th grade walkers will report to either Ms. McKenney's room (students with downstairs lockers), or Ms. DeVore's room (students with upstairs lockers). Once the locker area is clear, walkers will be dismissed to go to their lockers and out the door. We anticipate a 3 to 4 minute delay, but wanted you to be aware. If your child has an older sibling who would normally wait for him/her, your child will be permitted to go out with the bus riders.
Get excited - it's time for our annual Hoops for Heart Event!!! Our event will be held on March 28th, during all related arts classes. Click here for more information, and be sure to take note of our special kick-off incentive happening this weekend only!
Wednesday night we held a community meeting about school safety, security, and mental health supports in Howard County. I appreciated the parents, families and community members who joined us for this meeting. Last week I sent a message asking you to speak to your children about safety and security at Mayfield. If you missed that message or if you forget, it’s never too late to talk to your kids and to continue to remind them of ways they can help keep our school safe. Click here to re-visit the last MWMS newsletter, and the message sent about school safety. Thank you for your continued collaboration and support.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Melissa Shindel Principal
School News
Attention 6th grade families!
Do you know that your child must have certain immunizations before the first day of school, of the 2018-19 school year? Click here for more information.
A Message from the Cafeteria
Please be aware that the cafeteria is not able to break large bills and provide change for field trips, dances, or other events. However, large bills are accepted for lunch accounts.
Please check your child’s lunch account and make sure there is an adequate balance to cover lunch purchases. Account balances can be viewed at:
Stay Connected
Main Office: 410-313-5022
Fax: 410-313-5029
Guidance: 410-313-5025
Health Room: 410-313-5022
Twitter: @hcpss_mwms
Principal's Instagram: principal_shindel
PTA email:
PTA's Facebook Page: Search “MWMS PTA”
PTA’s Website:
Save the Dates
03/19-03/23 Hoops for Heart Collections
03/19 Middle School Band Assessment at AHS
03/19 PTA Restaurant Night at Chipotle, Columbia
03/20 Spring Play Rehearsal
03/22 Spring Play Rehearsal
03/22 Band Adjudication, Concert Band
03/26 Debate Field Trip
03/27 Spring Play Rehearsal
03/28 Hoops for Heart Kickoff
03/30-04/03 Schools and Offices Closed
04/04 Inclement Weather Makeup Day
04/04 Citizens of the Month Announcement
04/05 Inclement Weather Makeup Day
04/06 Inclement Weather Makeup Day
04/10 Spring Play Rehearsal
04/11 PTA Meeting
04/13 Purple Comet Math Competition – 8th Grade
04/16-20 Collections for the 8th Grade Field Trip
04/17 Chorus Field Trip to NYC
04/19 Krispy Kreme Donut Sale Pick-up
04/20 Incentive Day #3
04/23 Report Cards Issued
PTA News
The next meeting is: 4/11/18 at 7:00 PM, Media Center
The website includes:
• On-going access to up-to-date MWMS and MWMS PTA news
• Links for joining the PTA and volunteering in and out of school
• Calendars of MWMS, MWMS PTA and MWMS Music events
• Spirit Gear purchase info
• MWMS Music Boosters Page
• MWMS Teacher/Staff Gift Guide
• And more …
We hope the new site will be a great resource for MWMS Families. Please take time to explore the site and bookmark us on your computers and smart devices today!
Our address is:
Community News
A new community news and programs webpage is now available!! This page contains brief announcements of upcoming events and announcements from community organizations. Please visit the HCPSS website for details about upcoming events or visit:
Mayfield Woods Middle School
School | 7950 Red Barn Way Elkridge, MD 21075 |
410-313-5022 |