Introducing SPRIGEO

SPRIGEO: A new online system that students can use to report bullying incidents and school safety concerns. 


We recognize that creating a safe learning environment is a critical part of helping each child achieve academic success. This year we will introduce Sprigeo, a new online system that students can use to report bullying incidents and school safety incidents. Sprigeo will give your child another medium for communicating with our school administration when bullying or school safety incidents occur. All information sent through the Sprigeo system goes directly to selected central office staff who will then send the report to our administrators through a secure online connection.

How does the Sprigeo system work?

Students can access the reporting form directly through a link on our school web site or they may go to the website. After completing the reporting form and clicking the “submit” button, the report details are sent in a secure email to selected central office staff who will then send the report to our administrators through a secure online connection. Over 90% of students include their name when using the Sprigeo system. However, reports can be made anonymously.

Does the school system receive false reports?

Over 95% of reports sent through the Sprigeo system have been confirmed as authentic requests for help with a bullying incident or school safety incident. Unlike text messages or Facebook posts that can be shared among students, all Sprigeo reports are viewable only by selected central office staff and school administrators, minimizing the impact one student has to falsely accuse or abuse another student.

Why is there a need for an online reporting system?

The number one reason why children do not report bullying or abuse is the fear of retaliation from their peers. The Sprigeo reporting form can be accessed from the privacy of a home computer or other Internet equipped device, eliminating the possibility of being identified by another student.