Immunization Requirements for Rising 7th Graders & September Clinics

New!  There are FREE Immunization Clinics health clinics being offered September 5, 6 & 7. Click here for the flyer in English and Spanish. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you are aware, the State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene issued a list of new immunization requirements 2 years ago. In addition to the current requirements, all students must have the following immunizations documented by a physicians office prior to the first day of school: 
  • 1 dose of Tdap vaccine will be required for student entry into 7th grade* (1 dose total)
  • 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine will be required for student entry into 7th grade*  (1 dose total)

*Students in 8th grade who have not had these vaccines are required to get these as well, prior to the first day of school

If a student is found to be out of compliance with the vaccination requirements, he or she may not be admitted or allowed to stay in school without the evidence* of an appointment to receive those vaccines. The parent/guardian MUST present evidence of an appointment by the first day of school, Tuesday, September 5, 2017, or their child will be excluded from school immediately.   *Evidence of an appointment may include the following:
  • An appointment slip or note from the health care providers office of an appointment no later than 20 calendar days from the date the student is temporarily admitted.
  • A verbal or written statement signed by the parent/guardian that contains the appointment date with a health care provider that is no later than 20 calendar days from the date the student is temporarily admitted to school.
  • A verbal or written statement by the parent/guardian indicating the parent/guardians intent to attend a local health department immunization clinic within the next 20 calendar days.
Immunizations may be obtained from places such as your pediatrician's office, the health department, minute clinics, kinder mender, etc.  Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record.  Please contact your child’s doctor and send/fax in an updated copy of your child’s immunizations to the Health Room.  Our fax # is (410) 799-8201 or email a copy  to   If you have any questions, please contact our new cluster nurse, Ms. Jerome, at​ Thank you and we look forward to a healthy year!