Titles shared during the Summer Reading Challenge presentation!
Red madness : how a medical mystery changed what we eat
by Jarrow, Gail, author.
Bugged : how insects changed history by Albee, Sarah, author. On two feet and wings : one boy's amazing story of survival by Kazerooni, Abbas, author. How they choked : failures, flops, and flaws of the awfully famous by Bragg, Georgia, author.
I kill the mockingbird by Acampora, Paul, author.
Unbored : the essential field guide to serious fun
The iron trial by Black, Holly, author. The Boundless by Oppel, Kenneth, 1967- author.
Bugged : how insects changed history by Albee, Sarah, author. On two feet and wings : one boy's amazing story of survival by Kazerooni, Abbas, author. How they choked : failures, flops, and flaws of the awfully famous by Bragg, Georgia, author.
I kill the mockingbird by Acampora, Paul, author.
Unbored : the essential field guide to serious fun
The iron trial by Black, Holly, author. The Boundless by Oppel, Kenneth, 1967- author.